Annual Scholarships

In accordance with our principles, the Nu Psi Zeta Chapter in Peekskill, NY has made a commitment to financially assist young minority women pursuing a higher education by awarding three scholarships through the Debra E. Holcomb Scholarship Fund:

  • Nu Psi Zeta Academic Scholarship

    • The recipient of the Nu Psi Zeta Academic scholarship must have demonstrated a commitment to high academic achievement by earning at least a cumulative GPA of 90.

    • Demonstrated a commitment to and involvement in volunteer community service

    • Submit proof of extracurricular activities, a resume, and participation and leadership in school activities

    • Submit two letters of references; at least one must be academic

    • Write an original essay on the topic provided (topics listed in application)

  • Nu Psi Zeta Community Service Scholarship

    • The recipient of the Nu Psi Zeta Community Service Scholarship must have demonstrated a significant improvement in academic achievement throughout their high school years by earning a minimum cumulative GPA of 85.

    • Demonstrate an exemplary record of community service; documentation of a minimum of 50 service hours between grades 9-12 is required.

    • Submit proof of extracurricular activities, a resume, and participation and leadership in school activities

    • Submit two letters of references; at least one must be academic

    • Write an original essay on the topic provided (topics listed in application)

  • Nu Psi Zeta Book Scholarship Award

    • The recipient of the Nu Psi Zeta Book Scholarship Award must have demonstrated a significant improvement in academic achievement throughout their high school years by earning at least cumulative GPA of 80

    • Demonstrate a commitment to and involvement in volunteer community service

    • Submit proof of extracurricular activities, a resume, and participation and leadership in school activities

    • Submit two letters of references; at least one must be academic

    • Write an original essay on the topic provided (topics listed in application)


Must be a minority female, attending an accredited Westchester County high school as a Senior at the time of her application. Applications must be submitted electronically by the due date.